How to Restore an Apple Computer

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014
All computers are subject to problems, and Apples are no exception. Luckily, Apple provided their users with multiple ways of safeguarding their data and recovering their computer in the event of a problem. It certainly helps if you have an external hard drive, such as the Apple Time Capsule. With an external hard drive you can easily back up important information and data using Apple's included Time Machine software. In some cases, you'll be able to reinstall the operating system and keep your personal files. Other times, you'll need to restore from a Time Machine backup.

How to Do A Screenshot On an Apple Computer

If you own an Apple computer, it can be useful to know how to take a screenshot of the monitor. Anything that you can see on your monitor can be recorded. You can capture a screenshot using a keyboard shortcut.

How to Defrag Apple Computers

Over time, files stored on a hard drive can become "fragmented." This means different parts of a file become stored on different sections of the hard drive, requiring the drive head to constantly move back and forth across the drive, which slows down access times and increases wear. "Defragmentation" is the act of consolidating pieces of fragmented files in single locations. Performing this action regularly can significantly improve your computer's performance. Apple's Mac operating system, however, does not fragment files unless absolutely necessary, and the average system doesn't need much defragmentation. Defragging an Apple system, however, is still possible.

How to Create a Zip File for an Apple Computer

ZIP file stands for Zipped File. A ZIP file is a type of file in which every archive, or file, inside the ZIP file has been compressed separately. ZIP files are one of the most common types of compression files in use. Not only do ZIP files store a lot of information, they also compress the size,making them easier on the uploader and downloader. You can easily create a ZIP file on an Apple computer using the built-in Apple compression software.

How to Choose an Apple Computer

There are a wide variety of Apple computers on the market. Apple computers are most commonly referred to as Macs or Macintosh, after the operating system. Apple computers are well known for being more reliable than Microsoft, or Windows computers. They are a little more expensive, but typically require less upkeep than other brands. Choosing the perfect Apple computer depends solely on each individual user's needs. Most retail computer stores sell Apple computers. You can also purchase conveniently online.