How to Defrag Apple Computers

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014
Over time, files stored on a hard drive can become "fragmented." This means different parts of a file become stored on different sections of the hard drive, requiring the drive head to constantly move back and forth across the drive, which slows down access times and increases wear. "Defragmentation" is the act of consolidating pieces of fragmented files in single locations. Performing this action regularly can significantly improve your computer's performance. Apple's Mac operating system, however, does not fragment files unless absolutely necessary, and the average system doesn't need much defragmentation. Defragging an Apple system, however, is still possible.


1. Obtain a third-party hard disk management tool compatible with your version of the Mac operating system. Popular programs include Prosoft's Drive Genius and Coriolis' iDefrag. Unfortunately, reputable Mac defragging utilities all cost money.

2. Back up any important or irreplaceable data onto a separate hard drive before you run a defragging utility.

3. Open Drive Genius, iDefrag, or another program you've downloaded. Click its "Defrag" option, and follow the on-screen instructions.

4. Repeat your defragging routine every few months, remembering to back up important data each time.

Tips & Warnings

  • Remember that in most cases Mac OS systems do not need to be defragged. If you are experiencing disk read slowdowns, first check the free space on your primary hard drive. If the drive is almost full, consider removing files until you have about 10 gigabytes of free space; this may remove the need for a defrag. Defragging will most likely only be necessary if you are storing many extremely large files (such as videos) on your drive.

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